What did you do?

This is my favorite picture of Tanner from the shoot.?? In fact, not sure I will top this of him in 2009.?? I still see my little boy but I also see my son growing and becoming.?? Some pictures just move a mom’s heart – for me – this is it.?? Funny story though.?? Here is a snippet of a conversation Tanner and I had today while he was staring at this picture of himself posted on the fridge.

D = Tanner you look so beautiful in this picture – I just love it.

T = But what did you do to my pants??? You put something on my pants.

Note:?? You know those moments in life where your kid (or husband hee hee) says something so crazy to you that you just stand there dumbfounded not even knowing how to reply??? Let me continue.

D = You have got to be kidding me.?? Look harder at that picture.?? WHAT do you see on those pants?

T = (Getting sheepish) mud.

D = Uh huh.?? And do YOU remember what YOU did to get those pants muddy??? You rolled down a muddy grass hill IN your dress clothes while mommy was trying to take pictures.?? You remember how unhappy I was about that – do you REALLY want to bring THIS conversation back up?

T = Uh no.

BOYS!!!!!?? What did “IIIIII” do to HIM??? Shaking my head.?? And yes, I could have processed the mud out but it seemed to add to the story of our day so I left it.?? Besides, I did intend it to be a grungy urban shoot.?? He just added real grunge for authenticity I guess.?? :)?? Jim later commented that it was quite unfair of me because Tanner had rolled down several grassy knolls and I only got mad when he happened to hit the mud which we were all unaware of.?? I don’t recall any of that happening in the first place.?? I also (apparently) missed the rail when it sped by the first three times and looked pretty silly when I complained about not getting to see it yet.?? That was the moment when I was the recipient of the “dumbfounded” expression.?? Especially considering there was (apparently) a very loud bell/whistle/jangle??that accompanied it.?? (Me – sheepish).

Let me introduce you to my son Ty.?? See that expression on his face??? This picture illustrates my happy little boy perfectly.?? Ty is definitely the sunshine in our home.?? No doubt.??

I am just smiling all over again looking at these tonight.?? I want to remember this.?? All of it.?? When I quit trying to make them behave and just let them be who they are – I capture the best shots.?? I even got some fighting and grumbling ones too LOL.?? I think that’s why it is harder to take pictures of my own kids.?? I don’t try to make your kids behave – I just let them alone and capture them in all their varying expressions and moods.?? I do try to make my own kids behave and that is where shoots get messy.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

And btw, I did not coach Tanner on posing for the first picture.?? That was ALL Tanner.?? Mr. GQ.?? He’s doomed as a photographers child – he has learned how to “work it” to speed things up.?? Hey – works for me.?? No complaints here.

Can’t wait to process more of these but time is short this week so we’ll see.

Tanner Update:?? I am so excited to report that Tanner has started loving independent reading time!?? Woohooo!?? One of my primary goals as a teacher is that my children will learn to love to read.?? I have tried hard to allow Tanner to choose his own material to entice him.?? I avoided early readers that were boring to him and let him just choose what he wanted.?? This week, he brought an animal encyclopedia of sorts with him to the car.?? We were on a lengthy drive and I heard him reading the entire trip.?? He kept stopping to share interesting facts with me as well (he has very good retention).?? It was far from an early reader too.?? He still struggles with harder words but he plunges ahead anyhow doing his best.?? He can read through a Dr. Seuss in about 10 minutes on his own now (today’s was “There’s a Wocket in My Pocket”).?? He has been bringing books to bed with him at night to help him fall asleep but I didn’t realize he was actually reading them.?? (Not because he couldn’t – because I had not seen him show the initiative to do it on his own yet).?? ??I assumed he was just looking at pictures.?? He told me tonight that he has read everything he brought to his bed.???? So cool!!!!!?? He can’t wait to grab his book when we jump in the car now and he is saving his place so he can pick up where he left off.?? THESE are the moments that make this homeschooling thing so awesome.?? (Trust me – there are some moments that are not so awesome as well?? – for either of us – hee hee).???? Tonight I let him choose some older books at Walmart.?? I am not sure what level they are but there are no pictures – just a few scant drawings.?? Anyone have any good suggestions for second grade readers who are ready to take the plunge into non picture books??? I don’t know what to choose for him.?? I am reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader to him – I think that would be too hard on his own because of the old language.?? Some people have recommended Junie B but that looks too girly.?? I don’t think I would care for Goosebumps or Captain Underpants.?? I liked the Super Fudge books when I was in about 4rth grade.?? Wonder if he is ready for that??? Rambling now so I’ll stop.

Also, he is doing AWESOME at memorizing his multiplication and division facts.?? We are almost done with them through NINE!?? This is because I bought these super cool story cards that he loves and has made learning his math facts painless and almost effortless.?? In case you are interested…

Every number has a figure associated.?? Example:?? Eight is always a snowman named Nate.?? Three is always a tree.?? Four is always a door.?? 3×8 – Story is about Nate the Snowman building a TREE house that he loves so much he never wants to leave so he puts a sign up that says the treehouse is open TWENTY FOUR hours a day.?? This totally appeals to Tanner and he has such a sense of pride that he knows these facts.?? They also have rhyming cards for addition and subtraction.?? Tanner didn’t take to those as well though I didn’t do many of them or for very long.?? I made the mistake of not drilling enough on addition and subtraction and we are going to have to go back and get those down MUCH better.?? His math books right now though are in mulitplication and division and I don’t want to confuse him so I am waiting to revisit.?? He is using Singapore (which is a year ahead of US math) and I may switch to Saxxon next year.?? The problem is it doesn’t have enough drill time and I don’t want to buy the supplemental book they provide and give him double the work.?? Still thinking on that.?? Here is where you can buy the storycards:?? http://www.memoryjoggers.com/

I love listening to Tanner talk to Jenna as he was tonight.?? He tries really hard to make his “seven” sound fourteen.?? Jenna is absolutely precious with him and clearly loves him to pieces.?? Tonight they were both asking me what they used to say when they were little.?? I always loved how Jenna used to say “two-my-oh” for tomorrow and how Tanner called his pacifier a “peace” and always said “right right”.?? I invited Tanner to read my journals from when he was little because I have so much written down.?? Glad I have it because you forget so much trying to recall.

And my princess who is finally sleeping soundly at 11:20…have I mentioned we are all night owls??? :)?? She is really getting this walking thing down.?? She is also surrendering things in her mouth when I ask her to spit them out and that is a big deal too – especially considering how many things she tries to eat in a day.?? I noticed that she was just in love with Tanner today.?? This morning she wanted back in her high chair pulled next to Tanner while he did his school work.?? I let her play with the cards that AUNT CHRISTINE AND UNCLE AMERICA sent her (thank you for your Christmas gifts you precious two) – and she really loves them.???? Then tonight she kept following him everywhere, talking to him, reaching for him – just wanted to be where ever he was.?? He adores her and she knows it.?????? It’s almost midnight – think I’ll turn in early.?? ๐Ÿ™‚


11 responses to “What did you do?”

  1. Doni- some books that Eric is really enjoying are the Magic Tree House series- I read through about the first 9 of them with the boys in the evening and they are good beginning chapter books, not girly. Eric then took over reading and began reading to Sam at night! I love that ๐Ÿ™‚ We’re currently reading the Cal-de-Sac series, only on book 2. These are written by a christian author. One that I’ve picked up but we haven’t read yet was the first book in the Dinosaur Cove series. I’ve had the Judy Blume books out for awhile- I re-bought the ones I didn’t still have in the Fudge series. Sam loves when I read those to him ( I think b/c he can relate to fudge! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) but Eric doesn’t like to read those independently yet.

  2. Garrett loves to independently read the Magic Tree House Series, Henry Huggins books (and in general he has enjoyed reading any Beverly Cleary book including Ramona series), A-Z Mysteries by Ron Roy, Flat Stanley Books, and Encyclopedia Brown books to name a few. Garrett has also read Charlotte’s Web, Stuart Little and the Trumpet of the Swan by EB White. He’s in first grade and advanced for reading. I am a big proponent of books and always made them a high priority (and spend way too much on them and need a few more bookshelves… oh well). We have also given him the duty of reading the bedtime story to his 3 year old brother – he picks the short story book and they both love it. It is cute to watch. I still read to him at night a chapter or 2 of a more difficult to read book…. getting ready to introduce him to Narnia soon!

    Garrett has read the Captain Underpants series, Ricky Ricotta series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and Junie B Jones series also. I may not like everything in them (rude jokes and such), but I hate to discourage his reading so I have let him read them. He goes to public school and borrows these from the library. I volunteer in his library and these are very popular books. I was discussing them with the school librarian and her views were to encourage reading – period – which is why she decided to finally order Goosebumps as the library did not have any. She does not particularly like the series but kids were requesting them.

    I absolutely love the urban shoot (and your photography in general : ] )

  3. Just re-read your post and wanted to add more of my thoughts on the Junie B series… I don’t think it’s too girly for boys. It relates to kid experiences in general.

    However, my husband & I don’t like the series because there is a lot of name calling, insults, misbehavior, etc. that Garrett thought was funny and repeated. “Stupid head” was one of the better ones if I remember correctly.

  4. Missy – that is what I bought at Walmart last night. Two from the Magic Treehouse series. Glad for the affirmation on that choice:).

  5. Thanks for all your suggestions. This is one of those times as a homeschool mom where I don’t know if Tanner is ahead, behind or on target with reading but I don’t care because the PRIORITY for me was encouraging a love for it. When independent reading happened doesn’t make as much of a difference as long as it did happen. Kind of like Ty and walking. He took until 21 months but once he did it – he got better and better over time and who cares how long it took to get there. I don’t remember reading for personal enjoyment until the 3rd grade and I thought I was an advanced reader (back then maybe I was) but once I started my love affair with books, it was hard to get me away from one – still is. I have a huge personal library and reading is one of my all time favorite past times. Anxious to go to the library now with a lot of your suggestions. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I don’t have any suggestions on books, but I love the pictures. I do wish I had encouraged Carlin more when he was little. When he was very small we read to him every night, but somewhere along the way that stopped and I’ve struggled to get him back into reading. Now as a teenager he is reading the Eragon books and likes them but it takes him a long time to get through a book. I absolutely love reading and still do it regularly.

  7. i have a friend named Christopher Maselli (from college) who wrote a children’s mystery-type series – Christian. if you search for his name you will likely find his/his wife’s writing website. You could find out more about the books there. If you find them on amazon .com you could probably view excerpts of them. in fact, are you doing that for all the books you think might make good choices? then you can read a little…

  8. BACK TO PHOTOGRAPHY AND HOW INCREDIBLY GORGEOUS YOUR KIDS ARE! you captured them perfectly. looove that first picture of tanner. and i think it’s GREAT that he added mud to his jeans… totally grunge. i saw the chalk and wondered why you didn’t graffiti your own wall with it??? ๐Ÿ™‚ the tori pic is precious with the chalk. and ty – that is EXACTLY how i imagine his personalities. previous pictures show that same expression only at younger and younger ages – it’s grown with him. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Doni, I so love, love, love these pictures. That first one of Tanner is one of my favorite Tanner pictures! You captured such a precious look – and in front of that backdrop it looks GREAT!!!! I also love our sweet Ty’s look of pure delight playing in that water. The one of him looking up to his older brother is also a real keeper….and finally – those little feet of Tori and your “chalk” name is adorable!

    We really need to get a fourteen year old picture of Jenna before she turns fifteen in March!!!! I love her heart and yes, she loves that Tanner, and Ty and Tori and Noah and…… all her cousins!!!

  10. Gosh Tanner is so handsome. He looks like a little man already. These pictures are so cool and the chalk was such a great idea. You are awesome sis!

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