Looking for Sweet Spots

One??goal as a photographer is to study my surroundings and make anything work for me.?? I find myself studying my environment looking for the “perfect” spot.?? It was really fun cruising downtown Phoenix looking for all the “sweet” spots.?? One of my favorite pictures of Tanner turned out to be the one laying on the ground outside a building.?? The cement had white grid lines running through it making it interesting.?? Amazing what you can find when you are really looking.?? I keep challenging myself by looking at spots that seem uninteresting and asking myself how I could make the best of what I’ve got.??

The picture above of Tanner though was an easy pick.?? Falling water made a prime backdrop.?? It would have been fun as well to slow my shutter speed way down and catch the stream instead of the drops but that is hard to do with moving kids.

Poor Tori is having a miserable day. I had Ty’s appointment with the developmental psychologist scheduled for today but had to cancel because Tori woke at 1:30 AM with her usual coughing fit but then started throwing up and was burning up with fever.?? I think the vomiting was from the coughing but the fever….it’s more than allergies now.???? Can’t get much done cuz she needs a mama day and I was up watching movies during the night with her so mommy needs quiet time too.?? Over and out.?? 🙂

5 responses to “Looking for Sweet Spots”

  1. the shots are great… i’d love to see you take on something that looks super dull and boring – NOT a sweet spot – and see what you come up with. NO DOUBT you are gaining more and more clarity on how to find the sweet spot anywhere – it’s a gift.

    PPPOOOORRRR little tori punkin. 🙁 i pray she can fight this off soon.

  2. I’m so sorry Tori isn’t feeling well and sorry that you didn’t get much rest. I’ll be praying for both of you! Love you!

  3. I love that picture of Tanner with the rain in the background!!!! (And I like seeing the “drops” for the record!)

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