Prayer Request for Tori

Heidi Jo here – Doni asked me to post on her behalf as she is with a very sick little Tori-girl. She’s had a cough for some time and just hasn’t been herself… allergies were a thought at one point… but it has gotten worse. Today she was running an ear temp of 103 and was very lethargic. Even with a cool bath she fell asleep! They got her off to the ER and soon after I got a text saying they were thinking pneumonia. Got a text later this evening that they confirmed RSV. It is always scary when a little one gets sick but I’m sure the RSV diagnosis just tops it off. Let’s pray for wise and compassionate medical staff, Tori’s healthy recovery and for peace for Jim and Doni and the boys. May they have good rest tonight and good news by morning.

Heidi Jo for Doni

9 responses to “Prayer Request for Tori”

  1. OH poor Tori boo! Boy can I relate after our hospital stay this last week!! I pray she recovers quickly and is feeling better soon and that you will encounter the BEST hospital staff and care possible. I pray that God directs the thoughts and hands of Tori’s doctors as they care for her. And I pray for peace for Mommy and Daddy through this time.
    I love you all!

  2. I’m praying for a quick recovery for Tori. Take care of yourselves while taking care of your precious little girl!

  3. Oh Doni, I’m so sorry she is so sick. I pray that she has a speedy recovery and that everything goes smoothly with no worsening of her symptoms. I feel so bad for you too, it is scary when our babies are sick. Praying for you all!!! Love you!


  4. Praying for the doctor’s knowledge in helping Tori….Tori’s swift, painless recovery and patience for Mom & Dad as they struggle trying to keep Tori comfortable.

  5. Prayers said for Tori and Jim, Doni,Tanner and Ty. Poor little one. I hope she feels much better quickly.

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