
My darling in her birthday petti skirt.?? I want more pictures of this skirt.?? Two more ideas in mind for this month.??

Getting her to keep that headband on was a nightmare.?? Our daugher is developing quite the temper these days.?? She has started hitting and she exercises this new skill whenever (a) someone makes her mad (b) someone takes something away (c) someone says NO (d) she is tired and wants to get to bed.?? So pretty much – every time life isn’t going about just as she wishes.?? We are having a heck of a time trying to break her of it to.?? Dr. Dobson and Kevin Lehman say that toddlers don’t really “get” the consequence of discipline until about 18 months (Papa reminded me of this when I was exasperated over this earlier in the week).?? I am trying to just hold her hands down and tell her that we don’t hit but so far…well…that’s ticking her off as well.?? I am wondering if she will turn out to be my strong willed child.?? Tanner and Ty neither one were strong willed.?? Tanner started off with full blown temper tantrums at about 18 months.?? He would lie on his face and kick and pound and scream.?? (Red headed thing ๐Ÿ™‚ ).?? Jim, determined to end this, began to pick him up and hold him tightly when he would do this.?? He wouldn’t let him go until the tantrum was finished.?? Two or three different times, Jim held Tanner for over 2 hours.?? I learned early not to get into a stubborn war with my husband – you will lose everytime because trust me??- he is willing to go farther than you are and you can take that to the bank.?? After about the third time of entering into this battle with Daddy, Tanner decided that the tantrum thing was highly ineffective and never repeated it again.?? Ty never tried anything like that.?? Our happy boy couldn’t stay angry that long.?? He has to work hard to muster up anything resembling a temper.?? Tori though…I have a feeling she is going to go a few rounds with her Dad in the next couple years.?? Thankfully, I’d place all my money on Jim.?? :)?? Unfortunately, he thinks she is the cutest thing on earth right now and has wanted me taping her beating on Tanner.?? Daddy won’t think it’s funny forever.?? Tanner already doesn’t.

I think part of the reason for her early temper dislays is a direct result of her intelligence.?? (I know I sound like a bragging mama but she IS very smart…she really IS).

Here is a story demonstrating.?? Keep in mind she is 12 months old and gestationally only 10 months old.

I was carrying laundry down the hall to put in the washer and I dropped a couple of pieces.?? Tori was also in the hall following me.?? On a whim I said “Tori pick that up and bring it to mama”.?? She walked back to an item of clothing, picked up, walked down the hall into the laundry room and said “Here”.?? Heck.?? I have to repeat that same instruction 10 times to my boys hee hee.?? This girl thing is N I C E.?? Her baptizing my International Miss Israel doll in the toilet this morning was not so nice however.

10 responses to “Temper”

  1. I love love love them all! Specifically the one where she’s in the white chair next to the water. Such a cute expression. I’m going to need that one for my own collection to print… hint hint. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Actually, I want them all… haha! Maybe just the last three? I have a picture frame that fits three pics and I think it needs to be filled with Tori! BTW, you have a few customers (friends of ours) in Boston already if you’d like to travel for photo shoots. I think some of them would even pay for the travel! ๐Ÿ™‚ Love you!

  3. Ryker is in the hitting stage too. He yells “no” at us for anything that is not on his agenda. If we don’t stop then we are in for a battle. If he isn’t in the mood for Karsyn he will actually crawl over to her to initiate the fight. It will be fun to have Tori and Ryker together again and see how play time goes. There could be quite a battle.

  4. Jodi, “fun” might not be the word of choice if they happen to be in the same mood at the same time!!!! Doni, that pettiskirt looks absolutely gorgeous photographed. I’m sure that is exactly what you had in mind…layers, and layers of girl frill!

  5. a toilet baptism? oh my… no no no, not nice. once she ‘gets’ the dirty toilet thing though, she’ll be all girl and disgusted at boys and toilet behaviors. ๐Ÿ™‚ at least with HER she’s not likely to keep up the playing in the toilet thing. ๐Ÿ™‚

    that birthday petti reminds me of ice cream, sprinkles, cotton candy… it is DELCIOUS… love it – good choice. her headband is downright precious. she looks gorgeous!

    on the hitting – i think the hold down is a good idea. i do know there were times – even when seth was closer to the 1 year age range, that we gave a little spank to the hand (no, for the naysayers, it wasn’t hard enough to hurt fragile baby hand bones… give me a little credit here!) ๐Ÿ˜‰ it was just enough to make a little sound and surprise him that we’d take control of the situation, a little sting to the skin – not a deep injury. ๐Ÿ™‚ some say that it’s offering hitting for hitting (some say the same thing about any spanking) but i say there is a HUGE difference in hitting and discipline. granted, there were times i wondered at the effectiveness of ANY discipline – he gave me a run for my money. but there were definitely specific incidents where he figured it out and moved on to something else besides hitting.

    i like to think this kind of determination will work to our children’s benefits when they are older. hopefully they’ll apply the same tenacity to remaining true to Christ, to themselves, to say no to that which tries to infiltrate their lives for the worst, that they’ll stand up for themselves and others, that they won’t be tossed to and fray by every wind of doctrine (or temptation!)… let’s pray it is so.

  6. Aren’t you so thankful for a partner in parenting? I can’t imagine doing it on my own. Michael is the same way with patience–he will outstand the kids on anything, anytime. Great pictures!!

  7. That skirt is to die for! OH, OH, OH, I LOVE IT!

    It is really nice having a girl around isnt it? They are just different, they “get” it. Seriously, Tori just turned one and already she is doing laundry!!!!! Zandi takes out the trash and does dishes often without even being asked. I don’t think it would ever cross Zane’s mind unless I point blank asked him. Boys have many other wonderful qualities though:). But for a mommy, it really is nice to have a girl around.

  8. I know I say this a lot but your story reminds me so much of Luke at that age. I remember before he was a year old telling the twins it was time for jammies and Luke walked over (remember he walked at 9 months) to the cabinet where I kept the jammies and pulled some out and brought them to me. Eric and I were floored. He still loves to help me around the house.

    I love the pictures. I also really enjoyed the cake ones but forgot to leave a comment. I love first birthday cake pictures.

  9. I remember an especially strong willed little girl 30 years or so back. She was exceptionally talented and as far as I could see did little wrong. Personally, I never had much need to discipline her, she was perfect in my eyes, come to think of it, still is. Anyway, her mild mannered mother seemed to tick her off from time to time and she would act in a way that mild mom deemed in appropriate. For example treatment of her siblings. I saw no such problems and just dubbed her parent #3 and required the siblings to obey her too or double trouble. As I recall it, it did ground her once as a teenager. She asked me to so she wouldn’t have to go some where with some friends. It seemed the least I could do. Some would argue I was wrapped around her little finger. I don’t think so. Mild momma settled the problem at a very young age. Seems she was being defiant for some unexplainable reason and mild momma drew the line in the sand. My precious little one deliberately crossed that line 5 times in a row, with the same results on her back side each time. On the last time she sighed “I guess its just better to obey the first time”. As to the physical punishment argument. It is easy to demonstrate where it is and is not appropriate. Where ever love is previously established in the relationship, appropriate physical discipline may be appropriate as demonstrated above. Doni complied and held mom. Where love is not established, the beatee tends to run away from the beater, thus demonstrating the foundation has not been laid properly. Obviously NEVER EVER FOR ANY REASON hit in anger. Only discipline in love and you will get the results promised in Proverbs. My money is not on Jimmy here. Tori is smart and strong willed, but the edge goes to her mom who is all of that and more. Doni wins by tko in the final round on all the judges score cards.

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