Stem Cells 101

I know what your thinking.?? It’s Saturday and I don’t post on Saturday.?? Well I am making an exception today.?? :)?? Well known author, Angela Elwell Hunt, wrote a blog article on Stem Cell Research for the Tampa Tribune.?? It’s a great article and there is a sweet little red head mentioned along with his picture.?? :)?? Go check it out and leave a comment!?? Here’s your chance to speak on behalf of the little ones.

HERE is the link.

Here is a quote from the article that made me smile (Go Angie!):


Scientists have now proposed taking only one cell from embryos to preserve those lives, but those who lobby for the removal of restrictions on stem cell research are actually pushing for the right to use unborn humans for experimentation???a bizarre situation, considering that our government protects the rights of eagles and manatees to live free from human harassment. Should we do less for babies who have not yet reached a healthy birth weight?

If you are looking to submit a vote??for the contest….comment on the “Photo Submissions – Vote” entry.?? Please do not submit your vote on this entry.?? Phone call votes, email votes, and votes posted on the wrong blog entry will not be counted.?? It’s a “hanging chad” kind of deal hee hee.?? ;)??

And just in case your curious, over FIVE HUNDRED votes are in!?? Holy cow I did not see that coming.??


8 responses to “Stem Cells 101”

  1. Great article!!! I have much hope in stem cell research, but don’t understand why so many insist that it come from embryos. There is so much more success with adult stem cells, cord blood etc. Why are our leaders not putting more funding into that research? It saddens me. I appreciated the article and agree wholeheartedly. And what an adorable red head!! His baby brother is pretty darn adorable too!!!

  2. I am not surprised by how many people have vote Doni! You have an amazing gift that you have been teasing us with all year! You are one of the most gifted photographers I know and it has been a pleasure to be able to see it all in action (for what you have shared with us of course :)!)

    ..I am heading to the article now :)!

  3. It is sad and sickening when those who claim compassion do what can only be described and defined as evil. Their contradictory stance makes me wonder if they are that (apologies to my reading grandchildren) stupid or do they just think we are? We need to re-write “God Bless America” to God SAVE America. NO society in history who began to kill their own children ever survived for very long. We are begining the second generation of this insane evil.

  4. I was just thinking about all of this when I saw on the news last night the Obama plans to re-enact all the stem cell research this week.

  5. I am SOOOOOO disgusted about Obama reversing the ban on OUR $$ funding ESCR that kills lives just like Tyler, Lauren, and Tanner used to be!!! AND he already put into motion for our $$ to fund abortions overseas. It is just sickening that my $$ is being used for such horrible things and there isn’t anything (other than speaking out which I will continue to do).
    I tried to comment on that article, but it still shows 0 comments.

  6. shoot… i was replying but jas’s info was still in my reply lines so it looks like it’s from him – AND it’s still in moderation.

    500 votes? holy cow!

  7. Great Article. That is funny I work right next to TSRI. The Scripps Research Institute.

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