Must Love Water

??I love the water!?? The only reason we don’t have a pool is because I am afraid of them with kids.?? The little boy I used to babysit for drown in a backyard pool when he was two.?? I was at the house when it happened (I wasn’t babysitting thankfully).?? We all thought he was in the house and didn’t realize he snuck out the back door when his sister took the trash out.?? Growing up we spent a lot of time on the lake and I loved water skiing.?? It seems my daughter loves water just like mama.?? She has no fear (which is kind of a bad thing).?? She just dives right in.??

Just close your mouth and squint your eyes – you’ll be fine:)



“Hold me Tanner!” – Tori


Long day – she is sleepy now.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

6 responses to “Must Love Water”

  1. these are to cute. I hate the story above about the 2 year old drowning!! We have a pool and every year when it is time to open it up, I just dread it. It will be great when they are older, but right now it is very very very stressful!! It is fenced in with a locked gate, locked door, childproof locks, etc. but I know you can never be too careful, they truly have no fears…

  2. adorable pictures and that outfit is cute cute cute!

    I hate hearing stories of little ones drowning in pools it’s so sad. and yes like Cara Jo said no matter how many precations you take it’s still a danger.

  3. i love those water pictures!!!! love them! oh my goodness! that expression on ty’s face is what childhood is all about, isn’t it? it reminds me of a face seth does with his mouth wide open. he’s done it since his first giggles as an infant… still does it as a 6 year old. looks like ty too. ๐Ÿ™‚ precious.

    arizona, unfortunately, really educated me about water and children. i remember the news doing the counts as the months wore on each year… so many drownings each year. like you, a pool would worry me too much while having little ones! when they are older, maybe.

  4. I can’t believe how big Tori is getting! I know she’s still tiny, but still, where has the time gone? Love these pictures! Sorry to hear that story about the little boy…we don’t have a pool either for that very reason but both of our parents do–so I’m always checking to make sure doors are locked, etc. I agree–you can NEVER be too careful!!

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