Ty the Determined

Age: 12 months
Corrected: 8 months
Weight: 19 pounds 8 ounces
Length: 30 inches (rounding it between everything I have been told)

I found a link to a really cool interactive growth chart this week. According to this chart:

For Ty’s actual age, he is in the following percentiles:

6% – Weight
51% – Length

For Ty’s corrected age, he is:

42% – Weight
96% – Length

Many people assume that Ty is a chubby baby because of his cheeks LOL! He actually is quite skinny though, thus the lesser weight percentages.

Earlier in the week I posted that Ty figured out an army crawl the night before his first birthday. In the span of a week he has matured these skills so expertly that he is thinking of joining the Navy Seals next month. Tanner and I are bone weary of chasing him. My house is no longer safe and the childproofing must begin. Some kids you can teach to leave mamma’s stuff be (Tanner), other children you just have to get mamma’s stuff the heck out of the way if you ever want to see those items in one piece again. Any guesses which category of children Ty is falling into?

Let me just list a few examples from this week:

He LOVES our big screen TV. Apparently, the soft speaker screen at the bottom is very interesting. He is NOT easy to distract once he sets his heart on something (hmmmm….sounds familiar). When I lay him on the rug in the front room he belines for that screen. I pull him away, he yells at me, heads straight back. We do this in cycles over and over and over til I am huffing and sighing and Tanner is echoing me saying “Mommy! I tired dis kid!”

Now let me just pause and address something. In our home, we do not allow anyone to say “I am tired of you” (though Tanner did try to softly deliver that line directed at me once this week…they always gotta try it). I have been explaining to Tanner that it is okay to say we are tired of a behavior but we don’t say we are tired of a person. He isn’t quite getting it.

Back to my story…

Yes I have tried to distract Ty with toys. It doesn’t work. When he wants the screen, he wants the screen. I have sat in front of it trying to create an obstacle and block his line of vision and he simply attempts to crawl right over me.

While this has been frustrating trying to keep little one away from the TV, my heart also swells with gratitude. God gave Ty an abundance of determination and it is an awesome thing to see. To watch that little mind working away to achieve exactly what he wants. To watch him make his body cooperate even if that means dragging himself using only his arms (although he is starting to use the legs more to push off). And he knows how to hussle too! You should see what happens when he hussles across a room after Tanner’s toys and Tanner removes them at the last moment. Oh you should hear it! Ty calls his big brother out and has no sense of intimidation about it AT all.

Tanner has gotten to be an expert a wagging his finger in Ty’s direction and giving instructions. Tanner is so nurturant with Ty and helps me watch him a lot. This week all I have heard is “Mommy! Ty’s doin’ it again”.

One day I decided enough was enough on the tv issue and I put him in his walker. Mistake. I left the room BRIEFLY and came back to him at my end table sucking on the phone base and going for my lamp chord. So much for the walker.

Thankfully, he does enjoy the playpen some so Tanner and I do get a few minutes a day to be somewhat “off duty” LOL.

Yesterday I was really amazed at Ty’s determination. I was in the shower and Ty was strapped in his bouncer not 4 feet from me. He started screaming at the top of his lungs setting mom’s heart through her chest. I jumped out to check on him and he was…how do I explain this?….he had dropped his toy fish and in an attempt to get it, had crawled out of the bouncer while STILL STRAPPED IN. His legs were still attached to the bouncer but his upper body was on the floor. He was screaming because he still could not reach the fish!!! I was truly amazed.


Have I mentioned that those two little teeth on the bottom look absolutely adorable?


Ty learned to kiss this week! I told him to give mommy a kiss and he did it! This is my new favorite game of course! Soooo precious!


Let’s just not talk about it! I am frustrated. No better no worse.


Let’s just not talk about it! LOL. He got them yesterday and he HATES them. I don’t know how in the world we will keep them on. The minute we put them on, he pulls them off. They do have cable temples but it doesn’t matter. This kid could manipulate anything. We try to distract him with toys, it doesn’t work. Jim tried to force the issue for 5 minutes just to give him a chance to see with them on. He screamed the whole 5 minutes. I have no idea what we will do. The whole “just keep putting them on thing” may put us all in an insane asylum:). We’ll see. (And no, he shows no sign of being happier that he can see better either).

Neurology Apptmnt

Ty’s neurologist again called him a “miracle”. Ty kept grinning at him so much that it was infectious and the Dr. couldn’t quit grinning either. His Dr. did notice some tightening at the back of the ankle but we’ll watch it and massage and stretch them often. He wants to wait 4 mnths before he sees him again.


Ty is learning to flirt! This week he has started grinning at all the nurses and then playfully hides his head in my shoulder. So adorable. I had to laugh because our precious pharmacist is of Asian descent and he really flirted with her. Appears both of my boys love Asian women (remember the first little girl to capture Tanner’s eye was Asian also). I think I need to adopt next from Asia as my boys are making their preference known:)!


Ty still has not gotten over his cold but it doesn’t seem to have gone to his chest. His pediatrician saw him this week (one year apptmnt) and said that I need to keep the boys in and only let family hold Ty right now because he has seen 20 cases of RSV just this week. Of course, Ty was in the bubble anyhow so no change there. I am hoping that we can leave the bubble and go back to church in March. Hopefully, Easter Sunday (which is also my birthday by the way…wouldn’t that be a great birthday gift?)

Ty wasn’t satting very well last night so I am getting a little concerned. He stayed between 90 and 92 for half the night. Towards morning, his sats began to rise a bit but not drastically. He did the same thing last night. Debating whether or not I should call the Dr. He doesn’t seem to be laboring to breathe at all so I am not super concerned at this point. The whole thing with Ryan and Landen though is making me paranoid.

6 responses to “Ty the Determined”

  1. Doni~ We stuggled with Sam’s glasses for about the first two weeks and slowly but surely it started to get better. I bought a sports band to hold them around his head and it made it harder for him to get off. Sam was 18 months when he got his so he was a little older and I was able to distract him long enough to get him playing. As soon as he’d remember they were on or if they would get bumped off they’d come. Good Luck!

  2. Doni, Ty looks adorable! Tanner continues to keep my household craking up! Thanks for putting another smile on my face!

  3. Welcome to my world Doni. I am laughing with you and at you with Ty’s escapades. You sure called it in October when we were visiting with you. You said Ty was probably going to be into everything like the twins. It’s nice to see that you now have to baby proof. I never thought it was fair when we would come over and everything was left out for my boys to get into. I won’t know what to do the next time we get to visit and I won’t have to keep taking things away from my boys. Maybe we’ll trade off and this little boy I am expecting will be like Tanner and never get into things or put things in his mouth. Wouldn’t that be great? Have fun chasing Ty!

  4. i too was a bit jealous at the amazing obedience tanner gave to his mommy! all the same, i was glad to know doni didn’t gloat about this too much and she felt as amazed and delighted (and maybe stumped!) as anyone else. now we can share stories about what sort of temptations our little ones have a hard time resisting. for seth it is the remote controls & the phones. i wonder if his cousin ty will feel the same about those 2 things… oh yes – and any cd player he can get his hands on. 🙂 we have lots to be thankful for with our precious tanner and ty – we are rejoicing with you indeed.

    oh yes, and my my my does he ever look handsome (and studious!) with his glasses. glad he left them long enough for a picture. 🙂

  5. Doni, his glasses might make him “conscious” of the difference of site. I’m trying not to use the word dizzy. They might bother him until he gets used to them. I wear glasses. When I get up in the morning I can go all day W/OUT wearing them. IF I take them off my vision has to adjust. It bothers me. In the same way it bothers my SIL when she puts on her glasses (she doesn’t wear them 24/7 as I do) so she avoids wearing them.
    Sometimes understanding is knowledge.

  6. Hi Doni,
    Just wanted to make a comment on the breathing aspect. When Jordan is sick his asthma gets worse and we have to keep him on his nebulizer for 20 minutes every 4 hours pumping medicines in until the 20 minutes are up. Because of Ty having a little cold I would imagine some of his sats are because of that. Even though he doesn’t have it in his chest he’s still probably stuffy in his head and nose. That’s all it takes for Jordan too. He is actually going to go through studies for his astma and sleeping because he tends to start choking at night waking me up in fright and the doctors are wondering about sleep apnea. Does it surprise me? Not at all. With all the medicines he’s on I am surprised he’s not a walking zomby. I will list a few, topamax (seizure), diastat (seizure), pulmocort (steroid for asthma) Xopenex (preventive for asthma), albuterol (help with wheezing and to open up airways), zyrtec (allergies), singulair (allergies), orapred (steroid liquid for asthma) and there are 4 more he is on. I pray for Ty that it’s just the cold that is not helping him. Have a blessed week!

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