Month: March 2006

  • Did You See This?

    This morning my friend Heather sent me a weblink to watch a 30 second news clip that had me crying my eyes out. This is so incredibly precious. I guess it has been all over the news but being a mommy with little tv time, I hadn’t seen it. This is so moving it is […]

  • Who’s Who

    For those of you who get a little nuts trying to remember who the family members are that I often describe, I wrote a static page called “Who’s Who” that gives the lineup. You’ll see it in the pages section to the left.

  • The American Idol Effect

    This season of American Idol, Daniel and I have been avid participants. Every Tuesday, Wednesday and sometimes Thursday nights we are glued to the set. We had no idea the effect it was having on our children. Noah, as most of you know is very vocal so his little brother Graham, (18mo.) is usually the […]

  • Fink Fink Fink

    A conversation this evening with Tanner worthy of recording: D: Jim, Tanner told Miss Barb yesterday that he likes our house. T: I don’t like anything in this house. J: I thought you said he liked it? D: He does he is just saying that because I drew attention to it. T: I don’t like […]

  • Snooze

    Good news mommies! The Snooze album is available at now!! Yeah! I have been checking and checking every week for this. If you want great lullaby music for your kids that YOU will love too – search for the artist Go Fish and check out their Snooze album. I love their adult and child […]