Author: admin

  • Protected: And It Begins…

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Joy Joy Joy

    Quick update on Ty’s drug situation. I was able to get the drugs Ty needed today for one reason…because SOMEONE stepped up to the plate for me. Our local pharmacy (non compound shop) referred me to a brand new compound shop within 10 miles from my home. Out of desperation, I asked the Dr. to […]

  • The Neighbors Dog

    Since I am picking on Daniel tonight….why stop now? LOL. I am milking the “dog training” incidents for all their worth and Daniel is going to get downright sick of me for this. I am making fun and there is just no way around admitting that short of lying. I just can’t help it. Every […]

  • Cooked Goose

    This incident happened a couple of months ago but I still giggle over it. Partly because it serves as a good example of the scrapes my brothers get themselves into. Daniel and Darin went in together and bought a ski boat. A VERY nice ski boat. As Darin wants to compete with wake boarding (and […]

  • Weight Loss 2005

    The DREADED subject!!!! Aaaaghhh! Sometimes I hate January! It is a reminder of all the things I have failed at and am having to try yet AGAIN. I always have a list of resolutions. Resolutions that serve to terrorize me. I actually am quite good at being disciplined to stick to a resolution WHEN my […]