To Paint…Or Not?
Last week I was driving my mother in love nuts! She has been trying to convince me to paint my walls for a long time and I adjust very slowly to change. We went round and round trying to decide colors. I would settle on something than change my mind again minutes later. (Mom…I am…
Ty Diary
Actual Age: 10 monthsCorrected Age: 6.6 monthsWeight: 17 pounds 1 oz (11/1)Height: 26.75 inches (10/20) Ty surgery update – posted Tuesday, Nov 16th 12:06 PM Ty had surgery on Monday morning ( 11/15/04 ) at 7:00 AM . It was a bilateral eye repair. They pulled they eye muscles back on the sides of both…
Tanner Diary
Age: 3 years 6 monthsWeight: 32 poundsHeight: 37.75 inches Playing ChickenYesterday I was vacuuming the front room. I had Ty in his little walker (which generally he hates). Tanner seems to think that everytime I vacuum, I am playing "chicken" with him and he runs screaming all through the house. This time he wanted his…
God is Good
Between Ty’s surgery this week and my mom’s surgery, we have been pretty busy. I have contracted some virus and have a sore throat today and am paranoid that the boys will get it. I really don’t want to end up back in the hospital with the baby!! Maybe he could handle a minor cold…