Mmmmmmm Ma
Age: 10.7 monthsCorrected Age: 7.2 monthsWeight: 17.5 at last check Is it possible Ty is trying to talk? I think he said "encyclopedia!" LOL! He tries to interact so much I do think he will be an early talker. Three times now I have noticed him trying to say "mmmmm ma" when he was clearly…
Don’t Want Ta To Dat
So what has Mr. Tanner been up to this week? On discipline Tanner has a very tender conscience and generally speaking, giving him instructions once will do the trick. I have thought it precious this week when each time I have said "Tanner, you may not ever do blah blah blah and if you do,…
It’s All About Me
"What in the heck do you mean you only have one stinking ginger bread molasses cookie left????" And that was just the start of it! Jim and I have had quite a week with people that can’t administrate themselves out of a box. We are both fed up, exhausted, and ready to give the world…
Puppy Adoptions
Congratulations to Daniel and Candice! They will be placing a brand new baby girl border collie/golden retriever into their ever growing family! Score 2 points for this author who has effectively placed our first puppy for adoption! (That should make you happy Jodi! Aren’t you proud of me?) Dusty will be taking one (so I…
Web Change Coming Soon
IMPORTANT! Sadly, within the next week I will have to abandon this Typepad service. YES, I will continue my journaling though. If you have bookmarked this page, please bookmark www.jimanddoni.com also. My journaling will be moved back to my website shortly and this link will cease to exist! I will be using a different blog…